Important: Please select your desired colors from the Cliff Rose approved House Color palette,Garage Color palette, as well as the Trim Color palette. Make notes of your desired color names and numbers for the Repainting Approval Worksheet form below.
Additional approved color combinations for Cliff Rose are available for review on the Sherwin-Williams website (and scroll down). Other requested colors will be reviewed on a case by case basis, to make sure they are compatible with the neighboring homes and HOA guidelines.
Non-preapproved color requests must be accompanied by manufacturer’s color cards or paint samples on material that can be scanned for emailing, or a photo attached to the Repainting Approval Worksheet. Any paint applied without prior approval is subject to fines and possible repainting of the structures.
For approved requests: all work is required to begin within ninety days of approval and completed within six months of the approval date. If work cannot be completed within six months of the approval date, please submit an Extension Request form to HOAMCO for a new approval.
A copy of the Repainting Approval Worksheet form can be